ACCESS HRA (Español /English)
Resources available: Groceries & Meals funds and delivery services, Food and Food Insecurity, Housing, Utilities, Medical Needs, Mental Health Support, Domestic Violence Resources, Childcare and Fun & Entertainment.
Resourses available: social services, financial assistance, health insurance counseling, housing, parenting resources, senior care among others.
Actors Fund Dancers’ Resource (Español/English)
Artist/Freelancer Emergency Funding and Resources (Español/English)
Resources available: Funds, Remote work, Online jobs, COVID-19 Testing centers, Mental Health, Yoga, Entertainment Resources, online learning centers Los Angeles Service Industry Relief, Creative corner. Online resources that are updated periodically.
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund (Español/English)
Artists & Choreographers
Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant (English)
Artist & Choreographers
Indie Theater Fund Covid19 Emergency Grant (English)
Resource list of artists & POC orgs helping the underrepresented communities.
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (English)
Resources available: work to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within LGBTQ communities.
Phone: 1 (212) 714-1141
NYC & COVID-19​ (Español /English)
Resources available: Updates NYC guidelines and recommendations for COVID-19.
NYC Free Meals for All New Yorkers (Español/English)
Resources available: Halal/Kosher and other meals for any Adult in NYC.
NYC Hate Crime/Bias Incident (Español/English)
NYFA Rauschenberg Emergency Grant (English)
Artists & Choreographers
Oasis Latino LGBTS Wellness Center (Español/English)
Translatina Network (Español/English)
CENTER LINK: The community of LGBT Centers (English)
Resources available: National Career Services, Chat Space: The Digital LGBTQ+ Center for youth, National LGBT Centers locator (US/Puerto Rico)
Phone: 1 (954) 765-6024
City of Orlando COVID-19 (Español/English)
Resources available: City wide updates regarding COVID-19. Hispanic Office for Local Assistance (HOLA) will be offering services virtually.
Phone: 1 (407) 246-4310
E-mail: hola@cityoforlando.net
Hope & Help Center of Central Florida (Español/English)
Resources available: Community-based HIV and STI prevention and outreach programs, Free Rapid HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis C Testing. Health education, prevention, testing, and treatment.
Phone: 1 (407) 645-2577
Immigration Equality (Español/English)
Hotline for people calling from detention only: 1 (917) 654-9696 (9:30am-5:50pm Mon-Thurs)
General requests and other legal help: 1 (212) 714-2904 (1pm-4pm Mon)
Orlando Youth Alliance (English)
Resources available: hosting online meetings for LGBTQ+ youth on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:15 to 7:15pm.
E-mail: info@orlandoyouthalliance.org
\26Health (English)
Resources available: guide for LGBTQ+ individuals impacted by COVID-19 and offers a variety services is to improve mind-body-spirit health in Central Florida’s LGBTQ+ and ally community.
Centro Ararat (Español)
Resources available: General Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Infectology, Psychology, Nutrition, Pharmacy, PrEP, Case Management, Rapid HIV Tests, Health Certificates, Research Studies, STI Tests, Hormonal Treatment, Sampling, Buprenorphine, Vaccines.
COAI (Español)
Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and preventing diseases, from a perspective of social justice and human rights, with an emphasis on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, "questioning", "queer" and intersex people (lhbttqqi) In Puerto Rico.
Igual que tu: Centro Comunitario LGBTT DE PR (Español)
Resources Available: Psychosocial Aid, Psychotherapy, Educational Component, Communicative Component, Legal Orientation, Domestic Violence Program
Waves Head (Español / Spanish)
Resources available: LGBT Older adults and Housing Services, Yoga, Meditation, Music Therapy, Mindfulness Programs, Support groups, educational workshops.
The Trevor Project (English)
Resources available: Trevor Lifeline: The only national 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention lifeline for LGBTQ+ young people under 25. TrevorChat: A free, confidential, secure instant messaging service for LGBTQ+ youth that provides live help from trained volunteer counselors, open daily. TrevorText: A free, confidential, secure service in which LGBTQ young people can text a trained Trevor counselor for support and crisis intervention, available daily by texting “START” to 678678.
Phone: 1(866) 488-7386
* List in process
Contact Stephen Calenzani, Vice President for Development at 212.233.8955 ext. 124 or scalenzani@hispanicfederation.org, and learn how your support can make the difference for Latinx LGBTQ+ artists.
55 Exchange Place, 5th Floor
New York, New York 10005
T. (212) 233-8955 Ext. 118
© 2022 Hispanic Federation